Writing Prompts
First post here we GO!
Happy February, everyone. Excited to get this show up and finally running. It’s been a long time coming and we’re finally here.
So, what are we doing here? Let me tell you friend0.
The Writing Prompt Challenge.
Once a month I’ll post a writing prompt! A series of words (or just one word) that is meant to inspire you (and me) to free write. Yes, FREE WRITE. That means no editing, no head in hands dwelling on the inevitable fall of humanity and how pointless everything is. That’s right, no nihilism involved.
Set a timer for 10 minutes- and write. The first thing that comes to mind. Just write it! Don’t overthink. It doesn’t have to be creative writing either, it could be any sort of writing. Does this remind you of a memory? Something you hope to someday do? A feeling you’re dwelling on? Write that. Just write.
Because that’s the hardest part of writing, isn’t it? Getting started.
This will be every month. I haven’t decided on the day yet. But join me if you like, or perhaps just read my response to the prompt. I generally drift toward one of my characters POV to try and develop their voice a bit more.
Once you’ve done your prompt, post it somewhere! POST IT! Then send me a link either here or on Social Media (you can find my links literally everywhere here). Each prompt post will be updated with links to your work and if I’m feeling particularly spicy, maybe I’ll even read a few out loud. I’m still figuring out the format here, bear with me.
So, here we go. Our very first WRITING PROMPT CHALLENGE!
February 7th, 2023
A Royal Court
A twisted web of wires hung overhead, invisible to all but him. Their maker.
Dimitrius sat in his menacing, metal throne and watched the others gathered at the table. Each wicked in their own right, all born out of the very shadows that he had willed into the world of Eurchiro above.
When he had struck Eurchiro into pieces with his mighty rage, these creatures had emerged from the fury that had come of that fateful shattering. A phantasmal force that had spread from his wicked heart and all throughout the world. Like a drop of poison in the endless oceans.
Many of these creatures were made from shadow- others were so terrifying to behold that those who laid eyes upon them would be driven to madness. Then there were those who appeared no more terrible than Dimitrius himself. A handsome fellow who had chosen his face to be just that.
A desire of mortals.
Yet he was the most fearsome and dreadful of all those gathered at that table- of all who were invited to his court.
The fellow at the far end across from Dimitrius was a distant second. He had white hair swept over one eye and his lips were a bright, crimson red. His smile was painted-on, permanent, but it was a false face. He was capable of great and terrible things.
They all were.
And that was why he had invited them.
Change was coming and it would be by his hand. Those who opposed him did not know the extent of his reach. Those celestial creatures who claimed their deeds for good. They were unaware entirely just how long he had been setting up the game. Who were they to decide what was right and what was wrong? Was it worse to follow the words of a distant God blindly than to mold the world with his own hands?
No. Change was coming whether those seraphic fools wanted it to or not. Any who did not join his table willingly would have their bones added to its making. He could feel that very table quiver with anticipation and hunger.
There was only one empty seat at his table. He added them as his court grew and diminished. It only diminished if a life passed. No, this seat had been abandoned by the only one foolish enough to do so. The King of Vampires, a self-proclaimed agent of chaos. He had sat by his side once but would no longer. Not after what Dimitrius had done to the woman he loved.
It could not be helped. The game was very careful and there were casualties on all sides. Dimitrius did not weep for those who had to die. He did not weep for anyone or anything anymore.
Those who walked from his table would suffer the same fate as those who refused to join it. He admired those who remained loyal to him, who had sworn their allegiance. They did not need his guidance to do terrible things in the mortal world of Eurchiro but every so often he felt the need to encourage a little misery. Test the mortals. Teach them that there is more to life than living.
Teach them of fear, of grief. Make their hope more meaningful and desperate when it cracked. Eurchiro would fall to ruins, and they would be powerless to stop it. Divine Law kept him from doing so by his own hand, but Dimitrius did not need to touch something to destroy it.
He tapped his fingers upon the table and the rapping grew louder and more insistent until all those gathered were forced to silence beneath its weight. He stopped and there was an eerie stillness. The wires overhead snapped and tightened, stretched, their brief vibrations echoing a dissonant chorus.
All attention was on him.
“You are bound to me.” His voice was quiet and low, with a playful lilt yet it commanded the fearsome creatures in his presence. Not one of them would misunderstand his words. These words would creep into their minds until it became all they could think. A choir of orders. As he spoke his stature changed. He grew taller, darker, and the dripping, iron crown upon his head made him King of all others. “Without me you would have nothing. And with me you will all have the power you seek.” The edges of his lips curled into a charming grin. Many of the fearsome creatures snarled in delight. “But you will be bound to me. For all eternity.”